The Development Economics Study Program is an undergraduate program under the Department of Economics, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Riau (UNRI). Established by Decree No: 6596/D/T/KN/2011 dated September 20, 1963.
"Making a Study Program that excels in the Development and Application of Economics Relevant to Regional Development and Based on Local Resources at the National Level in 2035"
- Improving good institutional governance in the context of academic development and services.
- Improving the quality of human resources in the economic field through intellectual development, professional training, education, research and community service according to the potential, needs and dynamics of the community.
- Building a conducive academic atmosphere in accordance with the development of science and technology.
- Improving academic facilities and infrastructure in an effort to increase reliable human resources in the economic field.
- Increase cooperation with various parties for the development of science in development and community development efforts.